Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is Expanding Pest Control Business Exposing Kids To Toxic Pesticides?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Dread Skeeter poses on the cover of the coloring book, a backpack-mounted pesticide spray gun in his hand and muscles bulging under his T-shirt. A few pages in, outlines of young kids playing football accompanies a caption: "Backyards are better without biting bugs."
Federal Court Upholds EPA's Greenhouse Gas Rules
Report Claims Nuclear Safety Chief Engaged In Intimidation
Salazar Says U.S. Needs Federal Fracking Rules
6 Logging Protesters Arrested In Oregon
Tropical Storm Debby Flooding Closes Part of I-10 In Florida
Tom Engelhardt: And You Thought It Would Be Easy?
What you're up against is the power of the richest, most profitable corporations in history at a time when the sky's the limit, not just for carbon dioxide, but for the infusion of private and corporate money into what we once called democratic politics.
Zachary Podmore: Lake Powell to Lake Powell: The Journey Down the Colorado Begins
As we take our first steps towards the sea in a landscape almost as wild as it was in J.W. Powell's day, the thrill of the journey ahead, the thin mountain air and the landscape all leave me exhilarated.
Carol Hsin: Cycling Along the Keystone Pipeline: Roxana, IL
Towers of industry from an oil refinery peek above small houses and trees, forming the background of two small villages in southern Illinois.
Heather Taylor-Miesle: Why This Election Matters: Romney and GOP Lawmakers Choose Polluters, Not Kids
That's right. Romney and Inhofe would rather let big polluters off the hook than protect our kids from a toxin that causes developmental delays and other serious conditions. So do the 46 Senators who voted on Wednesday to block the mercury and air toxin standards.
Lindsay Clinton: Alternative Commitments at Rio 20 Make Big Impact
Many have decried the final Rio+20 outcome document as weak and watered down, but the news is not all bad. Amidst the negative sentiments, there are new areas of commitment that foster hope that we are making meaningful progress in moving the needle on the sustainability agenda.

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