Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Spain's Deeper Hole.. Facebook's Email Switch.. Encana Collusion?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Just as Canadians are expressing concern about the country's income gap in seemingly unprecedented numbers, our ability to find out what's happening with incomes is about to take a serious hit.
Canada's Largest Gas Producer Accused Of Collusion
Facebook Just Changed Your Email Address
Toxin From 'Erin Brockovich' Could Threaten Northern Ongtario
Spain's Borrowing Costs Nearly TRIPLE
'Son Of Concorde' Jet To Fly From London To Sydney In Four Hours
Mitch Parker: Condo-Shopping? What to Look For
Since the early 2000s, condo development has helped change the skyline in Canada. People from all demographics are choosing to live what I refer to as "the condo lifestyle." If you are thinking about joining this growing crowd that prefers parking underground and chooses location over square feet, here are some tips to implement while shopping for your next home.
Sara Zborovski: What Food and Fashion Have in Common
I recently read that food is the new fashion -- if that's the case, it's a great time to be in the food biz. And if it's true that eating healthy is the new black, I guess we food lawyers are the newest stylists.Canadians are caring more and more about what we put in our bodies; I work with food and beverage companies to make sure it's their products that are being put into those bodies.
David Meerman Scott: Penn State University: Poor Crisis Management And Social Media Skills
One part of the Jerry Sandusky story that did not get much attention is the social media and crisis communications aspect. How would you handle social media within an organization faced with a major crisis like this?
Kathy Caprino: What's in Your God Box?
Last month, I had the deep pleasure of speaking with award-winning women's marketing expert and now playwright, author and actor Mary Lou Quinlan about her new book, play and programs called The God Box Project.
Lisa Belkin: When Your Child Is Sick, What Do You Tell Your Boss?
Silence is toxic. Our ideas of normal come from what we see and hear around us. Our permission to act, and even think, in a certain way, is obtained by noticing the boundaries being heeded by everyone else. So I make it a point to talk about my children at work.

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