Friday, June 22, 2012

Best, Worst MPs.. Kent Slams Ecologists.. Mulcair's Win

Friday, June 22, 2012
As MPs head off for their summer break, HuffPost's Ottawa Bureau Chief Althia Raj has taken a look back at the politicians who performed best and worst during the Parliamentary session.
Ecologists' 'Misinformation' Must Be Stopped
The First Round Goes To..
It's Not Over Yet
Christy Clark 'Deluding Voters' By Calling Natural Gas 'Clean'?
Another Tory MP Breaks Ranks?
David Suzuki: At Rio 20, We're all Missing the Point
In all the political posturing and lobbying by corporations, there is simply no comprehension of what the real crisis is at Rio+20. While we should be talking about what we can do for the environment, we just have politicians signing watered-down documents and treaties, and doing nothing to implement them.
Glen Pearson: Omar Khadr: We Let Him Down, Let's Bring Him Home
New efforts are being made to return Omar Khadr to Canada. There had been a diplomatic agreement (not a legal one) that he would be returned, but the Canadian government has yet to respect it, despite urgings from American officials. Why the delay? As a Canadian citizen, a minor, and a child soldier, Omar Khadr deserved better from his country.
Peter Kent: What Canada Must Achieve at Rio 20
There are opportunities and challenges at the Rio+20 conference. Certainly Canada has successfully pursued sustainable development at home. The latest emissions report indicates that, despite continued economic growth, greenhouse gases have decreased by 6.5 per cent from 2005 levels. Our per capita emissions in 2010 were at their lowest levels since tracking began in 1990. Our opportunity at Rio+20 is to find new approaches and partners to help us sustain that momentum, to build further on a sturdy foundation of principle and action. It is also our challenge.
J.J. McCullough: The War of 1812 or Kenney's E-mails? Must Have Been a Slow News Week
2012-04-27-mediabitesreal.jpg It's been 1812-o-rama in the Canadian press this week: Experts agree that the main reason we should care about the War of 1812 is because without that "seminal battle" our beloved country would have suffered some other monstrous fate. And when you're done reading that stuff, check out the myriad articles on an email Minister Jason Kenney wrote wherein he inadvertently told the world what he really thinks of Alberta deputy premier Thomas Lukaszuk. Gripping stuff.
Irwin Cotler: Syria:"Unacceptable, Unconscionable, Grotesque"
These are but the latest set of condemnations following a week of the Assad regime's massive atrocity crimes. I remain haunted by the poignant and painful final words of UK-based correspondent Marie Colvin before she herself was murdered, "In Baba Amr. Sickening...Watch a baby die today. Shrapnel, doctors could do nothing. His little tummy just heaved and heaved until he stopped..." That was from some four months ago.

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