Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bill Maher: 'Steinbrenner And Trump Should Be Buried Together'

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The day after the announcement that comedian Bill Maher had purchased a minority stake in The Mets, Maher spoke to The Huffington Post about his new responsibilities (or lack thereof), his hopes for the team and his distaste for the Steinbrenner/Trump style of doing business. FULL STORY.
WATCH: Jason Schwartzman And Fallon Duet
WATCH: Stewart Rips CNN's Royal Celebration Coverage
John Malkovich's Creepy iPhone Ad Gets Fake Twitter Account
WATCH: 'Aqua Teen' Gets Name Change... Again
WATCH: Martin Short Calls Romney 'A Big Stiff One'
Nick Offerman: Obsessed: Woodworking
In my day job, performing for folks is a gas, and I am very tickled to make a nice living as a professional jackass, but it is the production of sawdust and shavings that brings me the most profound satisfaction.
Bryan Safi: WATCH: Why It's OK to Love The Real Housewives
The Real Housewives of New York returns for its 5th season tonight. That's right, the show that showcases some of the most glamorous foreclosures in America is back.
Tony Phillips: Zombies and Mayans and Socialists, Oh My!
Invest in duct tape, night vision goggles and stores of non-perishable foodstuffs. Instruct your children in the science of zombie slaying (it takes a head shot). Distrust your neighbors. Hoard firearms. Get with the times or the times will get you.
Laura Zigman: 'I'll Have the Men's Fiction! (Extra Macho and Genius on Top!)'
Last week, Esquire announced a new editorial imperative -- to run "Men's Fiction." We thought they already did this, but apparently, that's just not enough.
Carolyn Bucior: 3 Reasons Why it's Hard to Read the Small Print
I found myself recently standing in a grocery store aisle, holding a bottle of barbeque sauce at arm's length in order to bring into focus the ridiculously tiny type. When did children with 20/10 vision start designing all our consumer products? I wondered.

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