Monday, June 25, 2012

The Cost Of 'The Harper Government'.. Judge's Sex Inquiry Begins.. Harper Rejects Warning

Monday, June 25, 2012

WINNIPEG - The intimate details of a Manitoba judge's sex life are about to be presented in a very public forum — an inquiry to determine whether she should be removed from the bench.

How Much Is The 'Harper Government' Costing You?
Let's Work Together
Tories Damaging Canada's Reputation Says Mulcair
Harper Government Rejects Financial Crisis Warning
Leaders Meet To Discuss Northern Hunger
Cameron Fenton: Why the Rio Agreement Is Good as Toilet Paper
Rio+20 failed, plain and simple. Few are surprised, and many are grasping at straws within the weak, toothless text, searching for something to grab onto to claim victory. Rio failed because if it had succeeded, it would have fundamentally undermined some of the most powerful forces on the planet: big polluters.
Samuel Getachew: By Taking Away Refugee Benefits, Canada Is Taking Away Its Traditions
Just over a decade ago, the UN declared June 20th as World Refugee Day. But in Canada today, we are losing our noble traditions of welcoming refugees and giving them full benefits. Thankfully, there are organizations like the Canada Centre for Victims of Torture that are trying to help out these immigrants in any way they can.
Doug Kendall: Obama's Dream and the Right's Crocodile Tears
Do folks like Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, war-on-terror architect John Yoo, and columnist Charles Krauthammer really believe the Constitution means one thing when a Republican is in the White House, and something entirely different when the President is a Democrat?
Bernie Farber: Without Section 13, All Hate Crimes Are the Same
As a result of MP Brian Storseth's private member's bill to repeal Section 13, consequences and remedies we once had under a civil rule of procedure to deal appropriately with the promulgation of hatred is no longer. Where a complaint under Section 13 could result in cease and desist orders or at most a fine, today the only tool left to guard against hate promotion targeting Jews, LGBTQ, First Nations, Muslims and other faith and ethnic groups are two hate laws.
Megan Yarema: Parliamentarians Want Action on Poverty
Poverty costs society in terms of lost human capital and money spent on health care, criminal justice systems, and other social services. It is also a violation of economic and social rights and is an affront to dignity. Change requires action, and last week members of the federal government came together to demand just that.

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