Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday's Daily Brief: Romney Immigration Speech, Sandusky Son Abuse Claim, Taliban Attack, Plus Marlo Thomas, Geoffrey R. Stone

Friday, June 22, 2012
Arianna Huffington: Each year, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity gathers thousands of innovative thinkers and practitioners in advertising and media from around the world to talk about what's new and what's next in our brave new digital world. And, more and more, people and innovative companies are recognizing that we actually have a life beyond our gadgets.
SILENT MITT: Romney Still Won't Say Whether He Would End Obama Immigration Policy
Taliban Attack At Kabul Hotel Ends
Ann Curry: 'Am I Not Good Enough?'
Poll: Latino Voters Are Still Uphill Climb For Mitt Romney
Jerry Sandusky's Adopted Son Says His Father Abused Him
Marlo Thomas: Celebrating Gay Pride -- And America
One year ago today, one my favorite couples decided to tie the knot. And you know why? Because, at last, they could.
Geoffrey R. Stone: What the F***?
Yesterday, the Supreme Court decided FCC v. Fox Television Stations. What's the real significance of the case? It is this: Throughout its opinion, the Court repeatedly wrote f*** and s***. It declined to acknowledge the actual words at stake. This is depressing.
Paul Rieckhoff: Solving the Riddle of Veteran Unemployment
As Americans make their July 4th plans, it's time to change the dialogue about our nation's newest veterans.
Jared Bernstein: Learning to See Brown Shoots Instead of Green Ones
For years now, economic forecasters have continuously predicted recovery, gotten a spate of bad news, and pushed their recovery prediction out a few quarters. The problem is structural, i.e., it's in the models.
Lisa Belkin: Anne-Marie Slaughter: Why One Woman Reached The Top, Then Left
Women have done all the contorting that they can possibly do to cram their dual desires for work and children into the workplace as it exists. Now it is time for the workplace to cram, contort and change instead.
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