Thursday, June 21, 2012

Minnesota Floods 'Completely Devastating' For Local Community

Thursday, June 21, 2012

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) — Residents of Duluth began Thursday to assess the damage from flooding caused by historic rainfall, even as areas farther south continued to fight rising waters.

Who Is 'Bidder 70'?
Al Gore Criticizes Mitt Romney For Green Jobs Stance
Rio 20 Summit Begins Under A Cloud Of Criticism
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New York Activists Fight To Keep Fracking Illegal
Kelly Rigg: Are You Here to 'Save Face' or to Save Us?
It would take a brave soul to stand in front of one of the largest and most important gatherings the United Nations has ever held and ask this question: Are you here to 'save face' or to save us?
David Ropeik: Silent Spring Is 50: The Credit, and the Blame, It Deserves
In the 50 years since Silent Spring was published, the environmental movement it helped create has accomplished a great deal. It may be less popular to suggest, but it is no less true, that this seminal book and the movement it helped spawn have also caused a great deal of harm.
Michael T. Klare: Is Barack Obama Morphing Into Dick Cheney?
As recent events have demonstrated, Obama's energy policies globally bear an eerie likeness to Cheney's, especially in the way he has engaged in the geopolitics of oil as part of an American global struggle for future dominance among the major powers.
Fiona Watson: Indigenous Rights Are Key to Rio 20's Vision of Sustainability
If we cannot ensure the survival of the Amazon's last nomads who probably more than any people, define what it is to live sustainably, and who ask for nothing other than respect for their land and way of life, what will that say about the path humanity is heading down?
Adam Steel: Furniture to Philanthropy: Short Documentary Addressing Sustainability
ANEW was founded by Rose Tourje seven years ago after she realized how much waste and lack of awareness about it there was in the architecture, building, design industries.

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