Monday, June 25, 2012

Soros On Europe, Mitt's Misunderstanding, Awesome News For Europe Workers And More

Monday, June 25, 2012
Billionaire investor George Soros says Germany has three days left to spearhead the creation of the "embryo" of a European fiscal union in order to save the eurozone. (Hat tip: Business Insider's Joe Weisenthal.)

"There's a disagrement on the fiscal side, and unless that is resolved in the next three days, then I'm afraid the summit could turn out to be a fiasco, and that could be acutally fatal because you are facing the possiblity of Greece leaving the euro and perhaps the European Union, and you need to strengthen the remaining euro structure to withstand that shock," Soros told Bloomberg TV.
Finance Executives: Tax Us Before We Kill Again!
Goldman Accused Of Using 'Orwellian' Language
Postal Workers Launch Hunger Strike To 'Save' Agency
What Mitt Doesn't Understand About Running America, Inc.
European Workers Just Got Some Awesome News
Mike Lux: Bad Week for Bain-onomics
It has never been capitalism or even the financial industry being attacked when Bain's style of operating is the subject: it is the worst kind of vampire capitalism that the Obama campaign is going after.
Raymond J. Learsy: Alan Greenspan Tells It Like It Isn't
Greenspan sprung to the aid of the Wall Street Mafia by proclaiming loud and clear there is no need to return to the Glass-Steagall Act and all it would imply in restricting the proprietary trading of banks: "Glass-Steagall was never a useful vehicle."
Phil Simon: A New Kind of Social Network
Experience Project is the leading online network of people who share life experiences. It's the optimized platform that connects folks that understand each other. Its fundamental tenet is that people who share your experiences "just get it."
Mohamed A. El-Erian: Greece Needs to Chart a Different Course
Greece's political leaders still don't seem to get it, and neither do its official creditors. The longer this problem persists, the greater the challenge of turning around a country already beset by recession, insolvency, distressingly high unemployment and rising poverty.
Lewis Lapham: Living in an American Age of Techno-Wonder and Unreason
New philosophies call all in doubt, the more so as the accelerating rates of technological advance -- celestial, terrestrial, and subliminal -- overrun the frontiers between science, magic, and religion.

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