Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday's Daily Brief: Health Care Decision Looms, George Zimmerman Reenactment, White House Calls Fox, Plus Alicia Keys, Adam McKay, Rev. Al Sharpton

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Romney Leans On Republican Governor To Downplay Good Economic News
WATCH: Zimmerman Reenacts Shooting In Unseen Footage
The White House's Angry Phone Call To Fox News
Buying A New Phone? Consider This Over The iPhone
Prosecutors Seek Psychiatric Care For Norway Killer
Rev. Al Sharpton: Attorney General Eric Holder Has Been 'Stopped and Frisked'
Attempting to argue that AG Holder somehow withheld information with regards to the Fast and Furious case, Rep. Darrell Issa has engaged in a political witch hunt that proves only one thing: the hypocrisy of GOP members for personal and Party benefit.
Sigourney Weaver: Important Step Forward for World's Oceans
I am thrilled to learn that the U.S. announced that we will join a number of other countries to fund an international partnership that supports ocean acidification monitoring. Ocean acidification is an urgent threat to our planet's ocean life.
Adam McKay: The F Word
There's an information blockade in America and it must be broken. In order to find crucial facts, numbers and outside perspectives a person must spend an hour searching and cross-searching on the computer.
Alicia Keys: The League of Extraordinary Women
I've always believed women have an incredible power to be catalysts of change for other women of the world. It is our job to fight for the issues that matter most to us, and realize how much of an impact we can have when forces unite.
Mark Teixeira: Harlem RBI: Empowering Youth Through Sports
Harlem RBI uses the power of teams to coach, teach and inspire youth to recognize their potential and realize their dreams -- just as baseball helped me to realize my dreams.
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