Monday, June 18, 2012

Trouble For Gen X, 29 Ways You're Tossing Cash, Beating $52,000 In Credit Card Debt

Monday, June 18, 2012
On their fifth wedding anniversary in July 2002, Scott and Jacynta Harb were broke and living off credit cards. Their 10th anniversary proved even worse: They were still broke but by then had racked up $52,000 in credit card debt.

That's right around the time that Scott realized that the suburban Atlanta couple had hit rock bottom, debtwise. The Harbs, who have three children, had been using their cards for household expenses while Scott started his own small business, but the debt had spiraled out of control. The only way out was to do something radical: eliminate all spending.
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If you live in America, and not under a rock, you probably heard that the Fed announced earlier this week that U.S. wealth fell nearly 40 percent from 2007 through 2010. Does Carrying a Balance Help Your Credit?
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Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Time Is Running Out to Protect Students Overburdened by Debt
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Brian Tolle: Talk Your Way to Greater Team Productivity
Pop quiz: Do you know for a fact the preferred communication style of each of your team members? If no, then you're not as productive as you can be.

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