Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday's Daily Brief: Romney Evades On Immigration, Tyler Clementi Roommate Released, Miner Beats Big Coal, Plus Marlo Thomas, Greta Van Susteren, Sec. Arne Duncan

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Obama Trade Invitation Raises Fresh Suspicions About Secret Corporate Giveaway
Dharun Ravi To Be Freed Early After 20 Days In Slammer
Democratic Lawmaker Performs 'Vagina Monologues' On Statehouse Steps
WATCH: Interrupting Reporter Speaks Out
Miner Beats Big Coal In Court
Marlo Thomas: Dangerous Laughs: Politics and Comedy
As someone who grew up around comedians, I learned a lot about which topics were surefire winners with audiences (marriage, dating, mothers-in-law), and which ones were edgier (religion, sex and politics). There are tons of laughs to be mined from the latter, but comics are always careful to walk a fine line between being funny and offensive -- and the best ones know how to walk it perfectly.
Greta Van Susteren: What Women Will Stand Up to an Outrageous Insult to Former First Lady Laura Bush?
22 women have written a letter protesting the awarding of athen Alice Award to former First Lady Laura Bush. This is an award that honors women for advancing women. I can't decide if the 22 protesting women are ignorant or mean spirited -- or worse, both.
Sec. Arne Duncan: My Most Important Job
A few days ago, I went to my 10-year-old daughter's band concert. It was a great evening, and after the show a few parents told me they were surprised I'd made it, considering my schedule -- which got me thinking.
Lee Woodruff: My Daughter's Startling Response To A Spa Invitation
Had my puritanical approach to parenting been so extreme that my child's first response to a spa trip invitation was to cock her head suspiciously and look for a chemo IV?
Mark Ruffalo: Why I Support the Robin Hood Tax
For too long, Main Street has been working in the interests of Wall Street when it should be the other way around. A Robin Hood Tax gives us an opportunity to rewrite that script and get America back on its feet.
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