Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why Facebook Wants Your Face

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Prepare for Facebook to be a whole lot more in your face.

Facebook announced Monday that it will acquire facial recognition firm Face.com, an Israeli company that has worked with the social network for nearly two years to identify and tag people in uploaded photos.
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Senator Warns Google Not To Snoop On Sunbathers
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Don Tapscott: From "Yes We Can" to "We Know You": How Obama's New Internet Strategy May Cost Him the Election
Here's a question for President Barack Obama's re-election team. It could influence the outcome of this year's election: How do they get the "we" back?
Molly Raphael: Publishers Long Overdue in Offering Libraries eBook Titles
To the surprise of many readers, public library e-book "shelves" now sport gaping holes. The Witness by Nora Roberts? Unseen. The Lost Years by Mary Higgins Clark? Missing. Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs? DOA.
Marie Pasinski, M.D.: 5 Apps for a Smart Brain
They don't call it a "smartphone" for nothing. Your phone is the perfect tool to keep you mentally sharp both in the short term and in the long run. Get smart by downloading these apps today.
Darina Kagan: Our Hands Are Tied -- The New Job Market?
The state of the technological field is so demanding that they seem to treat their employees as products rather than human beings.
Martin Ford: Will Robots and Automation Make Human Workers Obsolete?
PBS News Hour recently had a special on the main topic I've been writing about here on The Huffington Post and elsewhere: unemployment and inequality caused by technology and, in particular, automation.

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