Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are you in hayfever hell?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Bad news for Britain's 15 million hayfever sufferers, as the Met Office has forecasted 'high' levels of pollen in the South today, with the Midlands seeing 'very high' counts on Friday.

Click on the image above to read the full story plus tips on dealing with the symptoms...
Does Gossiping Make Us Deaf?
Does Melt-Proof Ice Cream Work? Probably...
How Loneliness Could Shorten Your Life
Rise In Older People Developing Eating Disorders
Could Stone Fruits Help Fight Obesity?
Yoko Ono: Smile
When John, my husband, passed away, I was feeling down, so down, that it showed on my face when I looked at myself in the mirror. "This is bad," I thought. I could make myself ill, or if not, make myself a very irritable person, which would be not nice, especially for Sean, my son. I have to get out of this. So I systematically smiled into the mirror every morning. My smile was forced and looked terrible. But as I kept smiling for some time, my smile became a natural smile. It not only became a smile with my mouth and my eyes, but my shoulders, my tummy, and finally, with my whole body!
Dr Laura Nelson: Journey Towards a Gender Stereotype-Free World
Are you a man or a woman? I ask because your sex will determine your likelihood of pursuing certain routes in life, and these likelihoods are different for each sex. If you're female, you're more likely to spend time with your kids. If you're male, you're more likely to end up in prison.
Kate Thompson: Grow Old Gracefully - The Best is Yet to Come
So many of today's stars are chosen to look as close to perfect as possible. Most female celebrities don't have visible eye-bags or spots or jowels or wrinkles like some of us do. Tess Daly, even in her 40s, is more polished than most women in their 20s and 30s. And yet she's teamed on Strictly Come Dancing with ageing 80-something Bruce Forsyth...
His Holiness Karmapa Thaye Dorje: The Wealth of Europe
The financial crisis in Europe, and the suffering caused by it, is something that has increasingly drawn my attention. The population of young people - my own age group - is particularly affected by it. Therefore, I believe that questions such as 'What is wealth?' and 'What makes us wealthy?' are more relevant today than ever before.
Jen Crothers: If I Die on the Road, I'm Blaming the Olympic Organisers
I bought a bike last week, to avoid being squashed into oblivion on the Piccadilly line in about five weeks time. Or simply not getting on the Piccadilly line at all, thanks to the 65 million tourists about to descend on London.

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