Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Magnotta's True Identity.. Another Oil Spill.. Heat Wave

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
With Luka Rocco Magnotta's first court appearance Tuesday, and a not guilty plea, he is now firmly in the glare of the spotlight he apparently so desired. But still hidden from view is his real identity, which is shrouded in mystery.
Heat Wave Bakes Much Of Ontario, Quebec
'A Male Version Of Margaret Thatcher'
Kenney Apologizes For That E-Mail
Yet Another Alberta Oil Spill
Douglas Anthony Cooper: Why Is PETA Opposing No-Kill Animal Shelters?
2012-04-06-PETAfinalGREEN51.jpgWhy is a so-called animal rights group willing to go to war over its right to kill healthy pets unnecessarily? "No Kill" -- defined as a euthanasia rate of not more than 10 per cent of a given shelter's pets -- has been achieved wherever it has been strictly implemented. Perhaps the most sickening aspect of PETA's assault on the No Kill movement is that it blocks groups from rescuing animals in high-kill shelters.
Yoko Ono: Smile
When John, my husband, passed away, I was feeling down, so down, that it showed on my face when I looked at myself in the mirror. "This is bad," I thought. I could make myself ill, or if not, make myself a very irritable person, which would be not nice, especially for Sean, my son. I have to get out of this. So I systematically smiled into the mirror every morning. My smile was forced and looked terrible. But as I kept smiling for some time, my smile became a natural smile. It not only became a smile with my mouth and my eyes, but my shoulders, my tummy, and finally, with my whole body!
Ross Macnab: Is Saskatchewan the New "It" Province?
You out-of-towners say Saskatchewan funny -- Saas ka tchoowahn. That is just way too vowelly. Relax. It's S's-kah-tchwn. Practice it. Because many of you are going to be coming here. Saskatchewan is the new "it" province. We have dodged the economic troubles that afflict the rest of Canada -- and the rest of the world, for that matter.
Colette Kenney: Why Herpes Won't Ruin Your Sex Life
So, it's happened. You've contracted herpes from a partner. Maybe you knew about it, maybe it's a surprise, but it might be a bit of a wrench in your gears -- at first. It doesn't mean that will never date again and it doesn't mean that you are "damaged goods." Read on to get some helpful tips for moving past the diagnosis.
Irwin Cotler: Nine (More) Reasons to Be Concerned About Bill C-38
Bill C-38 as a whole was introduced and steamrolled through parliament in a way that undermines our parliamentary democracy. Not only does it stand in contempt of parliament, it denies the public the right to information. I will now address nine primary areas of procedural, process, and constitutional concern in regard to C-38 -- though there are many more.

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