Monday, June 18, 2012

Copyright Bill.. Feds Breaking Law?.. UN Criticizes Quebec

Monday, June 18, 2012
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is criticizing Quebec's Bill 78, a new law that imposes strict limits on student protests.
Government Accused Of Breaking Law With Budget Secrecy
Horwath Refuses To Back Down
Copyright Bill Faces Fierce Opposition On Eve Of Passage
Ottawa May Be Forced To Give More Cash To Reserves
As Harper Gears Up For Summit, Greece Election Results Ease Financial Worries
J.J. McCullough: Will Justin Step Up? Will Ezra Back Down?
2012-04-27-mediabitesreal.jpg Will he or won't he? Critics agree Justin Trudeau's decisive positions on looking dreamy and punching people obviously make him an ideal leader to spice up the stagnant third-place party everyone's grown sick of writing about. In Meta-media news, Ezra Levant, has been reprimanded for using what's been described as a slur (but not by him) on TV. The offending foreign words were cussed during a particularly angry moment in Levant's long-running feud with the American banana industry, which I suppose is about as much context as you'll probably need for something involving Ezra Levant.
HRH The Prince of Wales: Address to the Nobel Laureates Event at the Sustainable Development Conference Rio 20
As I speak, the world's rainforests continue to be destroyed, wiping out so much of the world's vital biodiversity and removing our chances of storing carbon naturally; and we continue to ignore the painful lessons of the so-called 'Green Revolution' in India by intensifying our food production methods in such blinkered, chemically and technologically-based ways, that the land and the oceans are now both beginning to fail. Tragically, we cannot even plead ignorance of the consequences of our actions, for the scientific evidence is overwhelming and the impacts are well understood.
Cameron Fenton: Canada Tracks Oily Footprints All Over Rio 20
I'm not surprised to find out that Canada is promoting the tar sands at the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development and the environment, after all, they have a long and marked history of using these conferences to promote and defend the image of the tar sands abroad. It might not be surprising, but that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.
Physician Advocates Supporting Refugee Healthcare: If Doctors Don't Speak Up For Refugees' Health, Who Will?
Doctors witness the impact of bad public policy on the health of individual patients and their families. When physicians, health workers and community members take a stand on June 18, we stand in solidarity with those affected and fighting for the right to health for all refugees and refugee claimants. This is about some of the most vulnerable people in our society becoming even more so.
Duff Conacher: Did the AG Break the Law With Bad Auditing?
The federal Auditor General's report on House of Commons and Senate spending is disappointing. Not only does the AG have the clear legal power to audit the expenses of MPs and senators whether or not they invite the AG to do so, a strong argument can be made that the AG is legally required to do this audit at least every few years.

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