Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good News For Chase Customers, Big Payout For Old Car, Luckiest Lotto Win Ever And More

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Although it seems like every week banks are ratcheting up fees charged to customers with low account balances, the largest U.S. bank by assets is changing up the game.

Beginning July 22, JPMorgan Chase will no longer charge overdraft fees incurred by purchases that cost $5 or less, according to the bank's checking disclosure notice. The new policy will prevent customers from wracking up outsized fees for small purchases -- like a $34 overdraft fee for a $3 slice of pizza. [Hat tip: Bucks Blog]
Watchdog Wins Four Of Five Fights For Consumers
Burger Chain To Pay For Being Greedy
Couple Wins $3.3M Lottery Same Week Their Home Floods
Dusty Garage Find Worth Millions
8 Ways to Save Big On Rent
Matt Kepnes: 20 Ways To Cut Your Expenses And Have Money For Travel
I want to highlight the ways I cut expenses before I left on my trip in order to save money for travel. There are some added ones in here too that didn't apply to me but might apply to you!
Robert E. Scott: Alabama's Anti-immigrant Laws Put More Than 13,000 Good Export Jobs at Risk
Respect for the civil and labor rights of all workers, both documented and undocumented, is not only the right thing to do, it is the smart thing if Alabama wants to keep and expand its exports to Mexico and the jobs they support.
Kristin Maschka: Gen X and Social Security: Will We Choose to be Cynical or Practical?
If Gen X can set aside our cynicism, embrace our strength for commonsense solutions and turn that into a political voice for a practical and equitable answer to the funding gap, this is one "disaster" we have the power to prevent.
Dan Solin: A Simple Option That Will Revolutionize Your 401(k) Plan
It could be immediately implemented by employers. No laws would have to be changed. It would fit within the existing 401(k) structure. It's easy to explain.
Alan Uke: The High Cost of Cheap Imports
A consumer movement aimed at buying American goods, or goods from balanced trade partners, could save our economy. But to do this, we need more accurate information about where things actually come from. We need a detailed country-of-origin label.

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