Wednesday, June 20, 2012

NCAA Ban, LeBron's Cramp And A 'Cowardly' Ejection

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
INDIANAPOLIS -- Poor academic scores could create a very different kind of madness in March.

A record 10 men's basketball teams, including three-time national champion Connecticut, will be banned from next season's NCAA tournament because of sub-par work in the classroom.
LeBron's 'Cramp Game'
WATCH: Pitcher Ejected Before Throwing A Pitch
Sandusky Defense Rests
NFL Star's Controversial 'WMD' Tweet
Paralyzed Swimmer Sets World Records
Jimmy Conrad: KICKTV Euro Trip 2012: Ukraine, Over and Out
2012-06-20-videopull.jpgMy Euro Trip has, sadly, come to an end but I had a great time and I accomplished the one thing that I set out to do: To understand what it means to be a true fan.
Dan Treadway: LeBron's Injury and Why the Cult of Toughness in Sports Must End
James' injury -- both the shot he made when he briefly returned to the game while still cramping, and his time on the bench during the game's final moments -- became the main topic of conversation among fans and pundits alike. And that's a shame.
Marcus Urban: We Wonder Why There Are No Openly Gay Players at Euro 2012
Soccer is a global sport with a global following -- and it's worth a lot of money. The pressure to perform -- and conform -- is huge. The cost of that pressure is simply too high. I know because I paid it.
Ian Carey: Players You Should Hate More Than Lebron James
It's fun to hate Lebron, but there are plenty of other NBA superstars on James' level (or in one case above it) who have done far worse things than James has ever done without being deemed a villain.
Jon Potter: Taking Back Our Tickets
Fans shouldn't have to compete against robots to get good tickets for face value. Bots (and the shady characters deploying them) are preventing real fans from seeing the teams and artists they love.

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