Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Harper Like Thatcher.. Nude PETA Protest.. Ontario Budget

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
TORONTO - The Ontario budget is expected to pass today, eliminating the threat of a summer election campaign once and for all.
'A Male Version Of Margaret Thatcher'
Budget Watchdog Off The Leash, Says Baird
Toronto Mayor Helped Football Player Convicted Of Armed Robbery
LOOK: PETA Protesters Strip Down On Parliament Hill
Guess Which Countries Get The Most Canadian Aid Money
Martin Singh: Tories Want to Charge Designer Prices For Brand-Name Drugs
The action that is currently being considered by the Conservative government is to extend the patent protection on brand-name drugs. The fact that the government would impose higher costs on Canadians, particularly for something as essential as medication, would be nonsensical even if the cost of medication were affordable. To contemplate a cost increase when we already have 3.4 million Canadians who have no drug coverage at all and when many others who do have coverage still need to make a choice between paying for expensive prescriptions and paying for food or rent is cruel and uncaring.
Peter Worthington: Bob Rae's the Only Good (and Experienced) Apple In the Bunch
When he took the interim job, Bob Rae pledged that he wouldn't run. So who's likely to be chosen liberal leader? It's a sorry field when Justin Trudeau seems the choice of many -- a callow fellow who many claim has charisma -- as if that's a substitute for wisdom and judgment. In fact, looking over the field of Liberal hopefuls, the only one with apparent substance of leadership is... Bob Rae.
Irwin Cotler: Nine (More) Reasons to Be Concerned About Bill C-38
Bill C-38 as a whole was introduced and steamrolled through parliament in a way that undermines our parliamentary democracy. Not only does it stand in contempt of parliament, it denies the public the right to information. I will now address nine primary areas of procedural, process, and constitutional concern in regard to C-38 -- though there are many more.
Irwin Cotler: Bill C-38: Ten Ways This Budget Failed
This hydra-headed Trojan horse budget implementation bill -- where the open-ended omnibus character masks its stealth-like impact -- will have prejudicial fallout in nearly every conceivable domain. Simply put, this legislation and the process of its implementation represents an affront to all Canadians, and Canadians should be appalled by it.
Christopher Sands: How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Change Canada
Despite Prime Minister Stephen Harper's recent announcements of trade talks with various Asian countries, joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a more important strategic victory for Canada. Bargaining alongside the United States, Canada can get concessions from other countries it couldn't get alone. And as a TPP member, Canada can better safeguard its relationship and hard-won market access to the United States than if it was excluded.

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