Wednesday, June 20, 2012

HuffPost World Daily Brief: Greece Has Government.. Mubarak's Health Deteriorates.. Toulouse Hostage Crisis

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
ATHENS, Greece — Greece's presidency says Antonis Samaras, the head of the conservative New Democracy party that came first in Sunday's election, will soon be sworn in as prime minister.
Mubarak Said To Be In Coma
Tens Of Thousands Fill Tahrir Square
Gunman Takes Hostages At French Bank
In Bahrain, 11 Year-Old Stands Trial
The Invisible War Against Sexual Assault In The Military
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: WTF Happened to Egypt's Revolution?
Though the military promised a transition to democracy through a three-stage election process, it has now delegitimized its own proposed process, proving the elections were nothing more than a charade.
Alaa Al Aswany: The Phenomenon of the Tame Citizens of Egypt
While revolutionary Egyptians have set for the whole world an example of courage and sacrifice for the sake of freedom and dignity, the tame citizens have not understood the revolution and did not need it. In fact, they do not deserve it.
Dan Froomkin: Questions About Afghanistan, If Congress Cared Enough to Ask Them
Were they the least bit interested in exercising any oversight at all into the war that American soldiers are still fighting and dying in -- and that Chinese bond buyers are still providing the cash for -- members of Congress wouldn't have to go very far to find some excellent questions.
Montserrat Domínguez: The Day That Greece Rescued Europe
The Greeks have deactivated the switch that threatened to blow Europe sky high. Antonis Samaras's New Democracy party victory in Greece does not in and of itself solve Athens' problems, nor those plaguing the rest of Europe's capitals. The boxer is still on the ropes, but the bell has been rung, ending the round; and that gives Europe time to recover, though it will have to keep fighting. In addition this week, if seen as part and parcel to what happened in Greece, the result of France's legislative elections and the majority that President Hollande now boasts both act as a serious warning to Angela Merkel in Germany. The message is clear: we are willing to go forward, but the pernicious austerity strategy that is pushing us into the abyss must be reconsidered.
Vanessa Alejandra Rivera de la Fuente: Argentina: 500,000 Reasons to Legalize Abortion
As a teenager, I chose to become a mom. In November, I chose, with the same commitment, to march with other women to support the motion to decriminalize abortion. I want women to be able to seek help openly and without shame. The hypocrisy is killing us.

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