Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Escape From London

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has applied for political asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London after failing in his bid to avoid extradition to Sweden to face sex crime allegations.

The 40-year-old Australian is currently inside the building in Knightsbridge, having gone there on Tuesday afternoon to request asylum under the United Nations Human Rights Declaration.

Read the full story here
'Al-Qaeda' Terrorist Takes Hostages In Toulouse Bank
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Yoko Ono: Smile
When John, my husband, passed away, I was feeling down, so down, that it showed on my face when I looked at myself in the mirror. "This is bad," I thought. I could make myself ill, or if not, make myself a very irritable person, which would be not nice, especially for Sean, my son. I have to get out of this. So I systematically smiled into the mirror every morning. My smile was forced and looked terrible. But as I kept smiling for some time, my smile became a natural smile. It not only became a smile with my mouth and my eyes, but my shoulders, my tummy, and finally, with my whole body!
Lord Ashdown: Rio Earth Summit Offers an Opportunity for Cooperation on Sustainability That We Cannot Afford to Miss
If Rio+20 is to steer us on a path of cooperation rather than conflict and a sustainable future for our children it is vital that David Cameron, Nick Clegg and other world leaders are not afraid to dream.
Jasmine O Connor: Ukraine's Homophobia is a Problem On and Off the Football Pitch
There's been much talk of racism on the Euro 2012 terraces. Homophobic chants and attacks have marred the tournament. But as most of Europe has its eyes on the field, the gay population of Ukraine have their eyes on parliament. There, two proposed bills threaten to change the game for gay rights activists in a decisive way.
David and Christopher Mikkelsen: World Refugee Day 2012
Today, the world is marking World Refugee Day in honor of the 43 million refugees living across our planet. In honor of the millions of women, men and children who have been forced from their homes and had their future thrust into a state of uncertainty.
Matthew Tucker: Fact or Fiction? When History Becomes a Filmmaker's Playground
I may not have a degree in American Studies, but I don't recall being taught that Lincoln dabbled in the extermination of fanged blood suckers. Is it all a terribly clever metaphor? Lincoln's fight against slave masters of the era? No, it really is about Abraham Lincoln discovering that "vampires are planning to take over the United States... he makes it his mission to eliminate them."

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