Tuesday, June 19, 2012

High Park Fire: Containment Milestone Reached, Long Road Ahead

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
LOVELAND, Colo. — Wildfires across the West drove hundreds of people from their homes from California to Colorado, where nuns living in a monastery and Boy Scouts at camp are among those who've fled.
High Park Fire Looter Arrested For Impersonating Fireman
Cold Water Thrown On Marijuana Legalization Myths
New Study's Surprising Results About Medical Marijuana, Teens
GOP Lawmaker In Hot Water For Housing A Sex Offender
Really? Stapleton Community Seeks To Ban Sidewalk Chalk
Sec. Arne Duncan: My Most Important Job
A few days ago, I went to my 10-year-old daughter's band concert. It was a great evening, and after the show a few parents told me they were surprised I'd made it, considering my schedule -- which got me thinking.
Jay Famiglietti: TUGG Last Call at the Oasis to a Theater Near You
you, your families, your neighbors and your co-workers all need to see this eye opener of a movie. It will make you talk about how much we've taken the availability of clean, fresh water for granted.
Robert Redford: Stop Public Handouts to Oil, Gas and Coal Companies, Now
We should not be subsidizing the destruction of our planet. Fossil fuels are literally cooking our planet, polluting our air and draining our wallets. Why should we continue to reward companies to do that?
Ariane Zurcher: Debunking the Theory of Mind
Bring up the word autism and you'll hear a great many theories. Simon Baron-Cohen is doing damage with a theory that was based on just 20 autistic participants.
Jason Salzman: "Weenie" or Hero? A Congressman's Twisted Birther Apology
Rep. Mike Coffman's "apology" for saying President Obama isn't an American "in his heart" has turned into a multi-part series, with dark overtones, disappearances, repeat episodes, and passion.

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