Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Artist Tags Picasso, Dali Horse At Auction, Nude Art, And More!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Uriel Landeros, a self-identified "up-and coming Mexican American artist" was looking to honor the work of Pablo Picasso. So, what did he do? He tagged an original Picasso, uploaded a video of the act on YouTube and then liked it on Facebook. In the words of his Facebook friend Natalie Marie Vickio: "What is wrong with you?"
Unusual Dali Piece Sells Big At Auction
Josiah McElheny's 'Some Pictures of the Infinite' at the Institute for Contemporary Art in Boston (PHOTOS)
You Won't Believe What This Woman Did In The Name Of Art
The Most Dramatic Photoshopped Video Ever
Nude Artist's Model Strikes Back Against NYPD
Yoko Ono: Smile
When John, my husband, passed away, I was feeling down, so down, that it showed on my face when I looked at myself in the mirror. "This is bad," I thought. I could make myself ill, or if not, make myself a very irritable person, which would be not nice, especially for Sean, my son. I have to get out of this. So I systematically smiled into the mirror every morning. My smile was forced and looked terrible. But as I kept smiling for some time, my smile became a natural smile. It not only became a smile with my mouth and my eyes, but my shoulders, my tummy, and finally, with my whole body!
Bill Bush: Long Live Rock 'n Roll: This Artweek.LA (June 18, 2012)
Charles A. Birnbaum: The Real High Line Effect -- A Transformational Triumph of Preservation and Design
The High Line proves that a site-specific, adaptive reuse approach is a viable holistic alternative that embraces both change and continuity -- and it's not an isolated success story.
C. M. Rubin: Alice -- True or Not True?
2012-06-19-Screenshot20120619at8.37.46AM.jpgWhat was the relationship between Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell? Let's talk facts.
Jay Famiglietti: TUGG Last Call at the Oasis to a Theater Near You
you, your families, your neighbors and your co-workers all need to see this eye opener of a movie. It will make you talk about how much we've taken the availability of clean, fresh water for granted.

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