Tuesday, June 19, 2012

MSNBC Romney Edit Draws Fire, Fox News Apologizes, NYT Defends Itself

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell briefly addressed a controversy on Tuesday about the way her show had edited a clip of Mitt Romney's.
Julian Assange Seeks Asylum In Ecuador
NYT Defends Itself As Leak Investigation Swirls
WATCH: Fox News Apologizes For Error
Cooper Questions NBC News Over Controversial Sandusky Decision
WATCH: Interrupting Reporter Speaks Out
Shehzad H. Qazi: Four Myths About Drone Strikes
Drone attacks in Pakistan, which have increased exponentially under President Obama, have prompted huge controversy. The debate around them, however, has become extremely polarized. As a result, the whole debate over the issue has generated numerous myths and inaccuracies.
Sanjay Sanghoee: Health Care Endgame: Activate the Public Option
President Obama's vision of universal health care will not die -- that much is assured. If it is wounded by judicial activism, it still has a chance to rise again, stronger and more pertinent, with a public option included.
Don Tapscott: From "Yes We Can" to "We Know You": How Obama's New Internet Strategy May Cost Him the Election
Here's a question for President Barack Obama's re-election team. It could influence the outcome of this year's election: How do they get the "we" back?
Jeff Danziger: Dimon Jamie and the Fed
Marlo Thomas: Dangerous Laughs: Politics and Comedy
As someone who grew up around comedians, I learned a lot about which topics were surefire winners with audiences (marriage, dating, mothers-in-law), and which ones were edgier (religion, sex and politics). There are tons of laughs to be mined from the latter, but comics are always careful to walk a fine line between being funny and offensive -- and the best ones know how to walk it perfectly.

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