Friday, June 22, 2012

Homolka Found.. Bullied Bus Monitor.. RBC Downgraded

Friday, June 22, 2012
A viral video of a school bus monitor in New York state being bullied by four middle schoolers shocked a Toronto man and prompted him to launch a fundraiser to send the woman on vacation.
Homolka A Mother Of 3 In The Caribbean
Portuguese Nationals Sought In Quebec Sisters' Deaths
Toronto Police Make Arrest In Deadly Patio Shooting
Dr. Will Johnston: How the Public Was Duped into Supporting Assisted Suicide
Carter v. Canada , the judge-decreed legalization of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada, tries to take a chainsaw to that old-growth forest that my colleague Dr. Margaret Cottle describes as a "delicate social ecology of mutual support and protection" which forbids the killing of a patient. What is notable and fascinating is how carefully this assault on our ancient and hard-won ethical environment has been planned. The door had to be opened, if only a crack, by using a story so compelling and a situation so extreme that ordinary people would be easily led by their compassion.
Peter Kent: What Canada Must Achieve at Rio 20
There are opportunities and challenges at the Rio+20 conference. Certainly Canada has successfully pursued sustainable development at home. The latest emissions report indicates that, despite continued economic growth, greenhouse gases have decreased by 6.5 per cent from 2005 levels. Our per capita emissions in 2010 were at their lowest levels since tracking began in 1990. Our opportunity at Rio+20 is to find new approaches and partners to help us sustain that momentum, to build further on a sturdy foundation of principle and action. It is also our challenge.
Jacqueline Vong: What's Hot in Food? The Nine Latest Trends
Second only to eating, talking about food is simply the best. And staying on top of food trends ensures that you'll beat the line ups and find those hot tastes first! Here are the top food trends of today from food trucks, to tacos to some interesting and unexpected new flavours.
David Suzuki: At Rio 20, We're all Missing the Point
In all the political posturing and lobbying by corporations, there is simply no comprehension of what the real crisis is at Rio+20. While we should be talking about what we can do for the environment, we just have politicians signing watered-down documents and treaties, and doing nothing to implement them.
Tim Knight: Old Habits Die Hard
Last year, victims of priestly abuse represented by the U.S.-based Centre for Constitutional Rights made a formal complaint to the International Criminal Court, accusing the pope and three of his top prelates of crimes against humanity. And Ratzinger claims this is all a "mystery"?

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