Monday, June 18, 2012

HuffPost World: Brotherhood Claims Victory.. Greek Conservatives Win.. Homs Under Attack

Monday, June 18, 2012
CAIRO — The Muslim Brotherhood declared early Monday that its candidate, Mohammed Morsi, won Egypt's presidential election, which would be the first victory of an Islamist as head of state in the stunning wave of protests demanding democracy that swept the Middle East the past year. But the military handed itself the lion's share power over the new president, sharpening the possibility of confrontation.
Conservatives Win Greek Vote
Yemeni Top Commander Assassinated
Gunfire And Explosions Rock Syria's Homs
China's Mysterious Mushroom Cloud
Lima's Unlikely Superhero
Tik Root: Russia's Wobbly Stance on Syria
Given the regime's history of suppressing dissent, high mutual levels of mistrust and the failure of Annan plan, sincere dialogue between the sides appears to be a pipe dream at this point. So, where does this leave us?
Jeffrey Laurenti: Storm Clouds Over Moscow Nights
Given the Iranians' single-minded investment in enrichment and in whipping up Iranian public support for it as a "legitimate national right," no one envisions a scenario in which they would surrender it.
Mohamed A. El-Erian: Three Big Questions for the Greek Elections
Whichever way you look at it, Sunday's election in Greece entails major uncertainties. What is clear is that, by itself, the outcome is very unlikely to immediately end turmoil and uncertainty. Indeed, even a simplified analysis entails many permutations and combinations.
Shirin Sadeghi: Exclusive Interview With the Man at the Heart of Pakistan's Newest Political Scandal: The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court's Son
The saying goes that boys will be boys. The chief justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan knows about that all too well. Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is once again in the spotlight because of his son.
Reza Marashi: How Iran Can Help Diplomacy Succeed
With an uncertain U.S. presidential election looming, this may be Tehran's last best chance to do its part in untangling the mutual demonization driving the conflict. Iran must make up its mind. Its decision on whether to engage the U.S. directly in Moscow will be telling.

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