Thursday, June 21, 2012

HuffPost World Daily Brief: Pakistan's PM Mess.. Syrian Pilot Defects.. Greek Leader Sworn In

Thursday, June 21, 2012
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's ruling party chose Thursday its candidate to replace a prime minister ousted by the Supreme Court, but the nominee was immediately hit with an arrest warrant linked to a drug importation scandal in a sign that political turmoil may continue.
Syrian Military Jet Defects
Greek PM Sworn In
Freed From Somali Pirates After 20 Months
World's Tallest Building In Just 90 Days
Norway Killer's Prosecutors Ask For Psychiatric Care
Trita Parsi: The U.S. and Iran's Mistaken Path to War
There was neither a breakdown nor breakthrough in the Moscow talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (P5+1). The P5+1 and Iran negotiated but could not make any headway. No one should be surprised by this result -- after all, the two sides only had the ability to make demands. They -- particularly the U.S. -- lacked the political will to put real concessions on the table. But without a breakthrough, are we heading towards war?
Frances Beinecke: At Rio 20 Earth Summit, Two Places Where World Leaders Should Start
World leaders are arriving here in Rio to address some of the most daunting issues facing our planet. To be sure, the myriad problems we now face because we haven't taken more action to address global warming and sustainable development can seem daunting. Here's where to start.
Sigourney Weaver: Important Step Forward for World's Oceans
I am thrilled to learn that the U.S. announced that we will join a number of other countries to fund an international partnership that supports ocean acidification monitoring. Ocean acidification is an urgent threat to our planet's ocean life.
Katherine Fairfax Wright: Call Me Kuchu: The Untold Story of Uganda's LGBT Community (VIDEO)
The decision to make Call Me Kuchu, our documentary film about the last year in the life of Ugandan gay-rights activist David Kato, came about as a result of two rather antithetical events.
Daoud Kuttab: The Return of the PLO
Hamas, which has for years opposed the PLO, agreed to join the efforts to reform the PLO. Talks behind the scenes produced positive results. A new PLO will soon see the light, provided that reconciliation continues and that elections take place in Palestine.

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