Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Magnotta's Back.. Mat Leave Job Search.. Europe Lashes Out

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Luka Rocco Magnotta quietly left Canada last month as a little-known porn actor and prostitute with a penchant for self-promotion on the Internet. He returned from Germany on Monday in a military plane, his hands and feet shackled during the flight. Armed guards watched him as he disembarked, while a media helicopter buzzed overhead.
Europe To Harper: Don't Lecture Us
Why Women Are Using Mat Leave To Quit Their Jobs
Microsoft Makes Huge Reveal
Ontario On Election Alert
Toronto Gunman Dressed As Construction Worker: Police
Michael Clarkson: Why Should Nik Wallenda Have All the Fun?
Grey beards Peter DeBernardi, 65, of Hamilton., and Dave Munday, 75, of Cape Breton Island, say they may plunge over the falls in barrels this year or next in a stunt which has killed five people as the age of daredevils appears ready for rebirth here in the Honeymoon Capital. Whether DeBernardi and Munday actually shake off Father Time or just happen to be whistling past the graveyard, this is a potential headline-grabber which has tourism operators in glee and authorities in gloom.
Douglas Anthony Cooper: PETA: Fighting for Its Right to Kill
2012-04-06-PETAfinalGREEN51.jpg PETA may soon lose the right to kill healthy pets. Currently, the headquarters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Norfolk, Virginia kills 97 per cent of the animals delivered into its care. Norfolk, however, may soon pass legislation to make the city a "No Kill" zone.
Ron Skolrood: Don't Speak Legalese? Here's What the Assisted Suicide Ruling Really Means
British Columbia Supreme Court Judge, Madam Justice Lynn Smith has released her reasons for judgment in the ground-breaking physician-assisted suicide case. In her view, a complete ban on physician-assisted suicide was a disproportionate response and a more appropriate response would be to maintain an almost-absolute prohibition but with a stringently limited and carefully monitored system of exceptions.
Rosemary McCarney: Food for Thought on World Refugee Day
There are an estimated 12 million displaced people on the planet at this moment and most of them are children. News of this came around the same time as the controversy surrounding Bill C-31, and the way the Harper government wants to crack down on immigration and refugees. But this World Refugee Day, let's be careful and conscious in our assessment of exactly who these people are.
Rebecca LeHeup: Cheese Lovers of Ontario, Unite!
It's exciting times for a cheese lover in Ontario where there is a renaissance in artisan cheese production. Several weeks ago I made my way to the Dairy Capital of Canada (that's Woodstock in Oxford County, in case you didn't know) where I spent a day in the life of a cheese maker.

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