Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Tuesday, June 19, 2012
What is it about Tory party treasurers?

Less than three months after Peter Cruddas exited CCHQ in disgrace for offering dinners with the Prime Ministers, his replacement Lord Fink is accused of attempting to host a dinner in the House of Lords for American Express platinum card holders. What is it about Tory party treasurers?

Less than three months after Peter Cruddas exited CCHQ in disgrace for offering dinners with the Prime Ministers, his replacement Lord Fink is accused of attempting to host a dinner in the House of Lords for American Express platinum card holders.

You've probably seen the adverts for the generous rewards Amex customers are supposed to receive, HuffPost has never seen the offer to have a slap-up meal in the Palace of Westminster, though.

Elsewhere David Cameron is still at the G20 and still urging the Eurozone leaders to sort it out. Good luck with that.

Theresa May is going to show those Strasbourg-lovin' judges she means business about curbing the powers of the European Convention by forcing a motion in the Commons.

Finally, Boris is now talking up Stansted as an alternative to a new runway at Heathrow (something that looks more likely to be a Tory U-turn with every passing day)

You've probably seen the adverts for the generous rewards Amex customers are supposed to receive, HuffPost has never seen the offer to have a slap-up meal in the Palace of Westminster, though.

Elsewhere David Cameron is still at the G20 and still urging the Eurozone leaders to sort it out. Good luck with that.

Theresa May is going to show those Strasbourg-lovin' judges she means business about curbing the powers of the European Convention by forcing a motion in the Commons.

Oh and Boris is now talking up Stansted as an alternative to a new runway at Heathrow (something that looks more likely to be a Tory U-turn with every passing day)
David Cameron Makes Argentina Trade Jibe At G20
Downing Street Signals Rethink Over Local And Regional Pay Amid Lib Dem Backlash
Prezza Confirmed As Police Candidate
IDS: Go On Strike? Your Benefits Might Be Cut
Spell 'Thazz', 'Fape' And 'Spron' - The New Reading Test For Children
Jen Crothers: If I Die on the Road, I'm Blaming the Olympic Organisers
I bought a bike last week, to avoid being squashed into oblivion on the Piccadilly line in about five weeks time. Or simply not getting on the Piccadilly line at all, thanks to the 65 million tourists about to descend on London.
Peter Kellner: Lib Dems Face Big Challenges Ahead
Faced with the awkward arithmetic of the last general election result, he has ensured that Britain could navigate the world's financial storm with a stable government. Despite his MPs being outnumbered by Tory MPs by more than five-to-one, he has secured some important policy victories, such as raising millions of low-paid people out of tax.
Natasha Kuilak Mellersh: Bogeymen and Blanket Surveillance
Despite warnings from digital rights groups, privacy advocates and experts in the tech world, the government has gone ahead with their plans for blanket surveillance measures on the internet, including controversial practices such as deep packet inspection.
Jeremy Cook: Central Banks Might Have Another Hand to Play in This Greek Inspired Epic
So the crunch weekend has come and gone, and as the headlines said - "Greece has voted to stay in the euro". Despite what you might have read, these Greek elections were never going to present the world with a solution to the eurozone crisis and, at the time of writing, they haven't even given us a day's worth of gains in markets.
Pippa Smith: Sexualisation of Children - Protecting Innocence Online
At long last there is a reality check going on about the dangers children face on the internet from pornography. We read with horror of children as young as eight admitting to pornography addiction, or the 12-year-old boy who raped a nine year old girl because he wanted to 'feel grown up' after viewing explicit images. As with so many other things in life, it has had to reach crisis-point before people begin sitting up and taking notice.

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