Monday, June 25, 2012

Most Americans Couldn't Afford A Financial Emergency, Six-Figure Rent, Tips For Amazon Shoppers And More

Monday, June 25, 2012
A financial crisis would be bad news for many of us. According to a new survey, we don't have sufficient emergency savings.

Forty-nine percent of 1,000 Americans polled in a recent survey by personal finance site do not have enough money saved to cover three months of expenses in the event of an emergency, up from 46 percent last year. Twenty-eight percent of those polled have no emergency savings at all, which is up from 24 percent last year.
How One Thrifty Couple Fell Into $200,000 Worth Of Debt
Are Americans Shopping Less Than Ever?
Six-Figure Rent? It's True
Americans Buy Homes At Fastest Pace In Two Years In May
10 Things Every Amazon Shopper Should Know
Leo W. Gerard: Robin Hood Tax: Economic Justice
The American Robin Hoods are seeking economic justice. They want Congress to resurrect the financial transactions tax. Britain, home of Robin Hood, already charges a form of it. Ten European Union countries plan to institute it. America needs it.
Keli Goff: Why Women Shouldn't Want to Have it All
Yet again, a powerful, influential woman had a platform to talk about the issue of choice when it comes to women, parenthood and power and chose not to discuss one of the most undervalued choices of all: the choice not to become a parent.
Ann Brenoff: Are Homeowners More Attractive Than Renters?
There's a couple in my community where the 6-foot-2-inch woman, a former model, towers over her 5-foot-4-inch businessman husband. As a less-than-kind observer noted: The husband may appear much taller when he stands on his stacks of money. (I did say less-than-kind, right?)
Jared Bernstein: The Tax Reform Trap
There is a trap that almost every tax reform effort I've heard about in recent months risks falling into. It's critical that we wrap our heads around this, because major tax reforms are rare and if one is coming -- and it might well be -- we can't afford to blow it.
Zaid Jilani: Obama Campaign Attacks Romney's Bain Outsourcing - But Support for Outsourcing Is Bipartisan Corruption
The overall narrative being created by the Obama campaign is clear: Romney has through his business practices supported outsourcing in the past, and is likely to in the future -- unlike President Obama. Unfortunately, the story is not that simple.

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