Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Most Influential Cocktails, Controversial Miracle Whip Ads, Fancy Food Show And More

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A lot of the cocktails you find in high-end bars today are based on the classics. But whether or not a single drink has been the most influential is almost impossible to say. There is a lot to consider when determining which drinks influenced the cocktail lists of today.
Sacramento Bee Food Critic Criticizes Dead Chef In Review
Soda Marketer Says Soft Drink Industry Should Be Applauded For Targeting Minorities
Hebrew National Hot Dogs Not Kosher, Lawsuit Claims
Miracle Whip Ad With Jeffrey Tambor Mimics Anti-Bullying Campaigns
PHOTOS: The 2012 Aspen Food & Wine Classic
Sen. Bernie Sanders: Label Genetically Engineered Food
Unlike people in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, China, Russia, New Zealand and other countries where labels are required, Americans don't know if the food they eat has been genetically altered.
Katherine Brewer: The Best Bites Of The 2012 Summer Fancy Food Show
Linda Novick O'Keefe: A Love Letter to Chicago Chefs
My favorite times with Art Smith are in his own kitchen in the morning over bottomless cappuccinos or on a run.
Sierra: Pure Refreshment: The Greenest Convenience Drinks
You're on the road and parched, your Hydro Flask is empty, and the gas station's drinking fountain looks like a urinal. Good news: You can douse your thirst -- and your guilt -- with these eco-suggestions from our panel of beverage experts.
Brian Secemsky: Is Fish Oil The New Snake Oil?
Even though I am more at risk for a panic attack than a heart attack, I still assumed that taking a daily dose of fish oil would protect me from the day that I keel over from eating too much take-out Chinese food. Is it worth the cost and fishy breath that comes with taking fish oil supplements, or is this just another pharmacological pipedream?

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