Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sneaky Rental Car Fees, Homeless Man Files $100M Lawsuit, The 'Lipstick Effect' And More

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Call it the Yelp of the financial services world.

Starting today, consumers can see complaints about credit card companies through an online Consumer Financial Protection Bureau credit card database. While there won't be starred reviews or suggested products, the CFPB eventually will provide databases of complaints and other comments about mortgages and student loans, too.
Homeless Man Files $100 Million Lawsuit For Free Education
Sneaky Rental Car Fees Stun Drivers
Tax Evasion Through The Holy Land
Investing With Friends Brings Lower Returns, Study Finds
'The Lipstick Effect': Women Spend More On Beauty Products During Recessions
Tiziana Dearing: Our Loss in Wealth Shows We're All in This Together
If you live in America, and not under a rock, you probably heard that the Fed announced earlier this week that U.S. wealth fell nearly 40 percent from 2007 through 2010.
Mark Ruffalo: Why I Support the Robin Hood Tax
For too long, Main Street has been working in the interests of Wall Street when it should be the other way around. A Robin Hood Tax gives us an opportunity to rewrite that script and get America back on its feet.
David Callahan: Broke Boomers and the Coming Crisis of Elderly Poverty
Most of the coverage last week of the Fed study on household wealth focused on the gigantic financial hit taken by nearly all Americans since 2007. Dig deeper into the report, though, and it makes for even scarier reading.
Lisa M. Dietlin: The World of Giving: U.S. Charitable Giving in 2011 Paints a Fascinating Picture
Americans are often cited as the most generous people in the world! Did you know that giving by individuals -- people like you and me -- accounted for 88% of all donations made in 2011?
Credit.com: Does Carrying a Balance Help Your Credit?
Should you pay your entire credit card bill every month? Or does it give your credit score a boost to leave a small balance month after month?

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