Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Role Of Race In Wealth, Companies In Danger Of Extinction, Modest Swimwear And More

Thursday, June 21, 2012
It would be nice to think that the election of Barack Obama swept the U.S. into a new, miraculous post-racial era. But at the moment of his historic victory, the Great Recession was busy proving that that definitely wasn't the case.

By 2010, the weak economy had disproportionately devastated the finances of black and Hispanic households -- so much so that the median household net worth for whites was 22 times as high as it was for blacks.
Historic Court Battle Could Force One Couple Into Horrible Choice
Five American Companies In Danger Of Extinction
This Industry Is Poised To Create Millions Of Jobs
Want To Sue Your Bank? They May Ask You To Pay Their Legal Fees
'Modest' Swimwear Seduces The Plump And The Pious
Thomas Gensemer: Engagement, Advocacy, and Other Buzzwords
After years of lip service, with few notable exceptions, yesterday seemed to mark a new alignment between media owners, brands, and agencies. No longer can we focus exclusively on the mass consumer audience.
Michael Farr: Come on Baby, Let's Do the Twist
The Fed has become somewhat impotent and should pass the buck to Congress. If only Congress would answer the phone.
Michael Pento: Europe's Solution Isn't More Inflation
The only real solution for insolvent Europe is to explicitly default on the debt to a level that brings PIIGS countries to a debt to GDP ratio below 60 percent.
Mark Hillary: Imagine If Every Resident of Mumbai Had a Car?
Economic growth benefits those who are lifted from poverty, but how can the world really cope with billions of new drivers all expecting their own car?
Daniel Burrus: Do You Know the Hidden Goldmine Within Your Company?
Yahoo! is proof that if you're not focused on finding and discovering the hidden value of your company, the invisible goldmine that will give birth do many new cash cows, you'll end up floundering to the point where customers will simply move on to a more relevant company.

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