Thursday, June 21, 2012

Should skinny people be banned from gyms?

Thursday, June 21, 2012
If you've ever felt self-conscious surrounded by lean fitness fanatics flexing their toned muscles while you sweat your guts out in the gym - you're not alone.

In fact, a company in Canada has gone to extreme measures to avoid this embarrassment by setting up a plus-size gym, which BANS slim people becoming members.

Click on the image above to read the full story...
Mystical Mushroom? No, A Sex Toy
Squids In: Dukan Diet Fuels Calamari Spike
Why Young Girls Are Getting Fatter
Junk Food Diet Speeds Development Of Pancreatic Cancer
Are You In Hayfever Hell?
Dawn Porter: We Should Be Encouraging People to Rescue Dogs, Not Presenting the Idea of Having One as a Social Kiss of Death.
I think London being named the most unfriendly city for dogs is really sad, with a little bit of compromise by some establishments, man and dog really can be best friends.
Nicolas Brusson: Sharing: What Happens When Consumers Rethink The Economy
Today is National Sharing Day. Major players in this emerging sector and forward-thinking citizens across the UK are getting together to spread the word about the economic transformation we are part of. It's the official launch day of a new non-profit organisation called The People Who Share, supporting the growth of the sharing economy in Britain.
Holly Alsop: The Success Of Team LOLA: Raising Awareness For Sarcoma
Team LOLA have raised over £1400 for Cancer Research UK with additional donations for Sarcoma UK totalling to £2500 overall, an achievement that has made all who were close to Lola extremely proud.
Yoko Ono: Smile
After John passed, I systematically smiled into the mirror every morning. My smile was forced and looked terrible. But as I kept smiling for some time, my smile became a natural smile. It not only became a smile with my mouth and my eyes, but my shoulders, my tummy, and finally, with my whole body!
Alex Dean: Lesbians With Disability: A Minority Within a Minority
If you think that you have a tough time meeting women, just imagine what your life would be like if you had the added challenge of a disability. Some of us already have that extra obstacle to overcome. Contemplate this for a moment, how many lesbians with a disability do you actually know?

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